Mar 31, 2021

Grandover Results

The players battled the weather obstacles all week. The winners played very well. In D1 Will morgan holds off Tod Dauler and Ivan Jones by 2 shots with a score +2(74)

In D2 Matt Phillips beats Seth Hawkins in on the score playoff. Rounding out the top 3 Terry Newsome.

In D3 Glen Bartley wins division 3 by 1 over Brandon Halsey. Mike Keffer and Mac Mcmillian takes 3rd and 4th with a score of +9(81).

In D4 Jason Beeson wins by 2 shots over JJ Micheo with a score of+10(82). Rounding out the Top3 it was Bobby Hutchison with a +15(87).

In D5 Gry Tulbert wins with a +14(86) by 4 shots over Kip Moore.

We wanna thank all the players for coming out and being patience with us as we had to make tough decisions to get the round complete.                            


Grandover Winners

Division 1

Will Morgan

North Carolina Amateur Golf

Division 2 Champion

Matt Phillips


Division 3 Champion

Glen Bartley

North Carolina Golf Tour

Division 4 Champion

Jason Beeson

North Carolina Amateur Golf Tour

Division 5 Champion

Gary Tulbert

Nc Golf Amateur Tour