Apr 18, 2021

Boone Trace National Golf Club Results


100 players turned out for the third sale out of the 2021 Kentucky Tour Schedule.

In the Division 1 Jesse Smith shot one under to beat Kelby Robinson by three shots and Barney Sutley by 5.

Division 2 Dick Richards shot 74 to top Ed Early who shot 75 and Chase Greenwell at 76.

Doug Marshall took Division 3 at 82 followed by Kevin Brown at 84 and Cory Ryan who also shot 84.

Division 4 was won by Greg Goff who shot 80 to edge out Darrell Frayley at 82 and Ron Kinght at 85.

Susan Barrow shot 88 to claim first in Division 5 followed by Jack Etters at 89 and Jeff Clover at 92.


David Mitchell shot a nice 73 to win SR Div 2 by one shot over Dick Richards.

Joey Lusby took Sr Div 3 for back to back wins followed by Dave Griffith and Doug Marshall.

Darrell Frayley rook Sr Div 4 and Joe Hollis won Sr Div 5


Darrell Frayley won the Sr Net Div


Boone Trace Winners

Division 1

Jesse Smith

Amateur Players Golf Winner

Division 2 Champion

Dick Richards

Amateur Golf Event Winner

Division 3 Champion

Doug Marshall

Boone Trace Winner

Division 4 Champion

Greg Goff

Golf Week Winner

Division 5 Champion

Susan Barrow
