Aug 14, 2022

Old Kinderhook Results

Old Kinderhook golf course is a beautiful course located in the valleys of the Lake of the Ozarks. The course was in excellent shape and provided a perfect mixture of risk and reward. Our divisional winners were able to take advantage of not only the beautiful summer weather, but the opportunities presented by the course also.  

 Division 1 

Larry Langley was the leader in the clubhouse Day 1 posting a 71. Hot in his heels were John Todd with a 73, and not far behind Kory Glasgow with a 76. Kory finished with back-to-back birdies on 17 and 18 to get in to contention for Sunday.  Sunday proved to be a little more challenging than Saturday for our competitors. An early birdie on 2 by Larry to set the tone was followed by a couple of stumbles on 3, 5, and 8. A small window of opportunity opened for those chasing our leader. They were not able to capitalize. Larry would secure the win with a Day 2 score of (5+) 76, and overall total for both days of (+5) 147. 

 Division 2 

Tim Rinker was our Day 1 leader in the clubhouse with a 74. In contention just a couple strokes back were Brian Vance with a 76 and Chris Lusignan with a 77. Tim came out Sunday, and left little hope for our contenders as he went 2 under on the front 9. Tim would finish with a 73 and win the division with a total of (5+) 147 

 Division 3 

Mike Schooley was our leader in the clubhouse on Day 1 with a 77. Still within striking distance was Verl Seger with an 81, Twig Wood with an 82, and Nicholas Jianas with an 83. Some back 9 troubles by Mike open the door for challengers to get in striking distance. A Day 2 score of 77 would put Nicholas in position to potentially win or tie. A costly double by Mike on 18 would lead to tie overall at (18+) 160 and a playoff against Nicholas.  It would take 2 playoff holes to decide our winner. Nicholas won the 2nd playoff and won the division. 

 Division 4 

Brandon Hale with an 85, was our Day 1 leader. Chris Hubbard and Andrew Turner both shot 88 and sat just a few strokes off the lead. Day 2 would be interesting as our clubhouse leader struggled. Brandon would leave the door open for his pursuers, but they were not able to make up any ground. Brandon finished Day 2 with a 94 and won the division with a 2-day total of (37+) 179. 

 Division 5 

Justin Bennett with an 88 was the Day 1 leader. Rocky Metcalfe was only a few strokes back with a 91. Justin would start Sunday with a sensational front 9, and leave no doubt he was going to maintain his Day 1 lead. Justin would finish Day 2 with an 83, and won the division with a total of (29+) 171. 


Old Kinderhook Winners

Division 1

Larry Langley


Division 2 Champion

Tim Rinker


Division 3 Champion

Nick Jianas


Division 4 Champion

Brandon Hale


Division 5 Champion

Justin Bennett
