Apr 4, 2022

Pine Island Golf Tournament Results


The largest field of the season thus far as 105 players from 7 different chapters. Not only did we have 7 Chapters represented, but we had APT Owner/founder Jody Barret as well as Chapter Owners, J Combs and Ivan Jones from the Carolina Triad Tour joining us on Monday.  Those that played the course enjoyed the layout and we all wish we could have seen the greens in better shape, but the weather has not cooperated and as such the players were challenged on the greens.

In Division 1 we had 22 players competing for the title including the number 1 (Eric King, KY) and 2 (Scott Roberts, CLT)  players from 2021 in the National Player of the Year race.  Brian Parker got off to a great start going 4 under par thru 11 including an Eagle on the par 5, 7th and never looked back.  A couple of late bogies made things close, but his score of 70 (-1) was the best on the day.  Eric King takes second with an even par round of 71.  Mark Ballew who had not been playing his best comes out with his best of the round of the year shooting 73 (+2) and as a result will remain with the big boys in Division 1.  We had a Tie for 4th with 3 players (Scott Roberts, Don Hasen and Bobby Booth) all shooting 74 (+3)

Congrats Brian!! 

In Division 2, Travis Wartluft (Upstate) takes home top honors with a great round of 76.  Todd Lindsey from the Charleston tour comes home in second, two shots back at 78.  Trent Little takes home third place with a score of 79, In Fourth place, we had a tie for 4th with 3 players (Malcolm Niven, Ken Fishback, Terry Upright) shooting 80 each of these players sharing 4th place prize money.   

Congrats Travis!!! 

In Division 3 we had our largest divisional field with 29 players battling it out.  18 holes were not enough as Jake Currie and Steven Henry were tied at 83 after completing their round.  The players went back to hole 9 to start a playoff that would only last 1 hole.  With a Par on the first playoff hole, Jake Currie emerged victorious.  As a result, Henry take home 2nd place.  We had a tie for 3rd with three players that were only 1 shot back at 84.  Max Morris, Brett Dalton and Josh Plummer all shared 3rd, 4th and 5th place earnings.

Congrats Jake!!

In Division 4, We had another close battle with the outcome coming down to play on the 18th hole.  When the dust settled, Roy Santonil wins by 1 with a score of 85.  Dan Keddie and Geof Smith finished in a Tie for 2nd place with both players shooting 86.  Jason Upright takes home 4th place honors shooting 87.

Congrats Roy !! 

In Division 5 as always, the outcome is never really known due to the volatility of scores in this division.  Steve Daniels, winner of our last tow events, came to the tee at 18 with a 3 stroke lead as Danny Sullivan was waiting in the clubhouse.  Steve had some issues on 18 that caused a triple bogie to be recorded and now we had 2 players tied at 87.  Back to Number 9 to settle the result they went.  As with Division 3, this playoff only took one hole to decide the winner as Steve found some issues and Danny was able to claim the victory with a par.

Congrats Danny !! 


The Senior Net Competition is gaining momentum with each event.  For those players 50 years of age or older, they have an optional contest that is awarding points and Visa Gift Cards at every Charlotte event which will accumulate throughout the season until we award a Local Senior Net Player of the year Champion.  Today we had 24 players competing which means we were paying the top 4 finishers.

When all the strokes were accounted for, Steve Daniels claims his first Senior Net Title with a score of -1.  Danny Sullivan took second with Even par.  Travis Wartluft takes home 3rd with a score of +2.  We had a Tie for 4th between Roy Santonil and Geof Smith who shared the 4th place prize.

Thank You to all the players that came out on this day, and we look forward to seeing you again at our next event at Verdict Ridge on April 20th.

Phil VanGeersdaelen 

Chapter Owner, Charlotte APT. 


Pine Island Winners

Division 1 Champion

Brian Parker

Amateur Players Tournament North Carolina

Division 2 Champion

Travis Wartluft

Golf Tournament For Amateurs

Division 3 Champion

Jake Currie

Carolina Amateur Players

Division 4 Champion

Roy Santonil

Golf Events In North Carolina

Division 5 Champion

Danny Sullivan

Senior Golf Events In Charlotte

Senior Net Champion

Steven Daniels

Senior Golf Tournaments North Carolina